04 januar 2013

Setninger hentet fra en-stjernes omtaler av Infinite Jest på amazon.com

Infinite Jest, by David Foster Wallace, is the worst science fiction novel ever written. I'm a lover of literature. I would derive sincere pleasure in hunting down this Wallace character, wrapping him up in a burlap sack, and beating him senseless with a two by four. It was written fine, the thing was long and boring enough to get the kudos of people that have spent their lives loving all the words of the world so much that every single one of them must be put in their book. I have read, and enjoyed other large works like Moby Dick and War and Peace. I think the title refers to the joke on the readers who bought into the narcissistic garbage that was spewed across the pages of this doorstop. I pride myself on being an intelegent well read person and I will happily agree David Foster Wallace is a genius, however, the man should write techniclal books for NASA or books on quantum physics. I barely made it through 150 pages of Infinite Jest...there is just too much to figure out! It makes Twin Peaks look straightforward and simple, but wihtout any of the charm and quirkiness of that show. But, more to the point, this book is an embarrassment to American literature. Oh one other thing that drove me crazy: he started so many sentences with "And but so.." or "So but and..." What is that??? It should have been titled "Private Joke," because only the author and his therapist know what the hell the point of this book is. I am a dedicated reader, and I have diverse tastes.  Either way, I wish I could give it no star. Rarely do I put a book down, no matter how bad it may be.  Does the next wave of fiction not require editing? It is on it's way to the city dump paper recycling center. A minor talent--both as a philosopher and as a novelist--whose posthumous reputation among his admirers so far exceeds what the reality warrants that it verges on the surreal. Comparing Wallace to Pynchon is like comparing a kettle of sponges to Disney World. The clerk said: "Hey, that's a cheap price for so many pages!" If you're like me and have difficulty forming words out of letters, and then forming sentences out of those words, then this is not the book for you. What the ~HECK~ is this book? It is called "INFINITE JETS" but there is not a single aircraft within, in fact the book is about people on land with drugs problems. 

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